Today is 10th January, 2010, Sunday, and it's my birthday! Happy Birthday to me.
This birthday is a rather memorable one for me..,
- I worked in my birthday (it's a Sunday) -.-||
- YS bought me a phone * Sony Ericsson Aino * as birthday pressie *Muacks*
- My colleagues celebrated my birthday with me! Thanks guys for the birthday cake and BBQ party!! That is really sweet of you!
- Brother and sister in-law bought me a birthday cake! Thanks Brenda and Chee Mun.
- My dad treated me a good dinner (It has been quite a few years since he treated me dinner on my birthday)
- I got a rather great bonus from the company for the hard work in 2009 :D
- Those I do not mention, thanks to all the birthday wishes!
Seriously, life's been very busy for me recently. Involve in a nationwide project and the schedule is extremely tight! Hope things will be over soon. Seriously, I need a balance life. Do you hear me? Sigh, I bet you don't.
My birthday wishes for the year are:
- For me, my dar, our family, loved ones & friends: May they be blessed with a happy and healthy life.
- For Ysmm: May we be blessed with a blissful marriage and may our dreams come true.
- For myself: *Finger Crossed*
- For our mother earth: Let's work together, hand in hand to save her!
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