May10, 2008 - One of the most important days in our lives.
It was the day of our ROM at Thean Hou Temple.
Officially, we are now husband and wife, so you may call us Mr. and Mrs. Lee :)

Million thanks to our friends, family and loved ones for attending the ceremony and the blessings too. Thanks Mike and Poh Eng for the lovely hand bouquet. Thank you very much to all of you, from the bottom of our hearts...
- More updates coming soon -
Congratulations to both of you!
May you have a blissful marriage
and all the very best for tomorrow.
Hi Jen Li:
Thanks for the wonderful bless and looking forward to your ROM in near future.:)
Congratulations! I demand for more photos for that day!
Wishing YSMM a lifetime of everlasting love and happiness. Congratulation on your wedding!!!
Thanks Mei Kuan and MSKY (Kit Yee) for the comments! We'll blog more about our ROM when we receive the photos from our fellow photographers :D, as we did not bring cameras that day.
MSKY, was told that you are married too! Congratss to you too!
Congratulations! YS, what you've promised during Cherating trip has come true, still remember? =D am really glad for both of you and wishing you two happy forever!
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