Checked √ 2. Swimming trunk, colourful and flowery beachwear and sandals/slippers :D
Checked √ 3. Toiletries
Checked √ 5. Red Pillow
Checked √ 6. Honnie the puppy
Checked √ 7. Junk food and mineral water

Checked √ 8. Our newly bought Underwater Camera :D
Perhentian Island - the sunshine beach and snorkeling/diving paradise, we're coming!
Hey, which underwater camera you bought? Ours still in the service center, more than 1 week already.
MSKY: We bought Olympus 1030 SW. Very satisfy with the photo quality under the water..:)What'w wrong with yours?
Can't switch off our camera, because got sand stucked inside the lens there...:(
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